Resize Images in Image Set and Save to New Location


For images stored in a folder with filenames or IDs referenced in an accompanying csv file. Take all images, resize them and then save to a new folder.

 1|  import pandas as pd
 2|  from tqdm import tqdm
 3|  from PIL import Image  
 5|  #Location of original images
 6|  train_path = 'data/raw/train_images/'
 7|  #Destination folder for resized images (folder must already be created)
 8|  train_dest_path = 'data/processed/train_resized_images/'
10|  #Set new size
11|  NEW_SIZE = (255,255)
13|  #File that contains data on images. Image filename is contained in image_id field
14|  train = pd.read_csv('data/raw/train.csv')
16|  #Resize images and save to destination folder
17|  def resize_images(df, path, dest_path):
18|      for i in tqdm(range(df.shape[0])):
19|          im = + df['image_id'][i])
20|          im = im.resize(NEW_SIZE) 
21| + df['image_id'][i]) 
22|  resize_images(train,train_path,train_dest_path)
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