Extend __init__ Method When Inheriting a Class


In this code snippet, we extend the __init__ method of the base class Product when we inherit this class. The Top class is a subclass of Product and it's __init__ method calls the __init__ method of the base class and then extends that __init__ method by declaring two additional attributes; sleeve and pocket.

 1|  class Product():
 3|      def __init__(self, name, colour, size, retail_price):
 5|          self.name = name
 6|          self.colour = colour
 7|          self.size = size
 8|          self.retail_price = retail_price
10|      def get_markdown_price(self, discount_rate):
11|          return (self.retail_price * (1 - discount_rate))
13|      def __repr__(self):
14|          return f"{self.name}. Colour: {self.colour}. Size: {self.size}. Retail Price: ${self.retail_price}"
16|  #Top is a type of Product
17|  class Top(Product):
19|      def __init__(self, name, colour, size, retail_price, sleeve, pocket):
20|          #Calls the __init__ method of the base class by using super() to refer to the Product class
21|          super().__init__(name, colour, size, retail_price)
22|          #Extends the base class Product by adding two additional attributes
23|          self.sleeve = sleeve
24|          self.pocket = pocket
26|  product_15 = Top("Men's Tshirt", "red", "large", 20, "short", True)
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