Logistic Regression Using Gradient Descent from Scratch


In this code snippet we implement logistic regression from scratch using gradient descent to optimise our algorithm.

As we intend to build a logistic regression model, we will use the Sigmoid Function as our hypothesis function where we will take the exponent to be the negative of a linear function g(x) that is comprised of our features represented by x0, x1... and associated feature weights w0, w1... (which will be found using gradient descent) to give g(x) = w0x0 + w1x1....

 1|  import Numpy as np
 3|  """
 4|  Note: X_train, y_train, X_test and y_test are in the form of a Numpy matrix
 5|  """
 7|  """
 8|  Create Constant Term Feature:
 9|  Insert column of 1s as weight for the constant term x0.
10|  """
11|  X_0 = np.ones((len(X_train),1))
12|  X_train = np.insert(X_train,[0],X_0, axis=1)
13|  X_0 = np.ones((len(X_test),1))
14|  X_test = np.insert(X_test,[0],X_0, axis=1)
16|  """
17|  Hypothesis Function:
18|  Function that returns an array that is the result of applying 
19|  the sigmoid function to the dot product of the training features 
20|  array and array of associated weights.
21|  """
23|  def hypothesis(X,w):
24|      w = np.array(w.reshape((8,1)))
25|      z = np.dot(X,w)
26|      h =  1 / (1 + np.exp(-1 * z))
27|      h = np.round(h)
28|      h = np.clip(h, 0.00001,0.99999)
29|      return h
31|  """
32|  Cost Function:
33|  Function that returns the cost for regularised logistic regression 
34|  given training features X, target y, feature weights w, number of 
35|  training examples m and regularisation term r
36|  """
38|  def cost(X,y,w,m,r):
39|      h = hypothesis(X,w)
40|      c = (-1/m)*sum(y*np.log(h) + (1-y)*np.log(1-h)) + (r/(2*m))*sum(np.square(w))
41|      return c
43|  """
44|  Model Training Using Gradient Descent Function:
45|  Function to train model for training features X, target y given 
46|  intial weights w, with number of training examples m, learning rate 
47|  lr and regularisation term r for e number of epochs. The cost of each 
48|  epoch will be printed if verbose is set to true otherwise just the model 
49|  summary will be printed after training is complete.
50|  """
52|  def train_model(X, y, w, m, lr, e, r, verbose=False):
53|      #Get cost for initial weights and set to current minimum cost,
54|      c = cost(X,y,w,m,r)
55|      cost_min = c
56|      #Set current optimum weights to inital weights
57|      optimum_weight = w
58|      epoch_min = 1
59|      #Perform gradient descent for e number of epochs
60|      for i in range(1,e):
61|          #Initlialise empty weights list for epoch i
62|          w_epoch = []
63|          #Calculate new weights for each feature j 
64|          for j in range(0,len(w)):
65|              h = hypothesis(X,w)
66|              #New weight j
67|              w_j = w[j] - lr*(1/m)*sum((h - y)*X[:,[j]]) + (r/m)*w[j] 
68|              #Append new weight to list of weights for epoch i
69|              w_epoch.append(w_j)
70|          #Assign epoch i weights as model weights   
71|          w = np.array(w_epoch)
72|          #Calculate cost for new weights derived in epoch i
73|          c = cost(X,y,w,m,r)
74|          #If cost for the weights derived in this epoch are lower than the previous
75|          #lowest cost then set optimum_weight to this and min_cost to the cost
76|          if c < cost_min:
77|              optimum_weight = w
78|              cost_min = c
79|              epoch_min = i
80|          #Print cost of epoch if v set to True
81|          if verbose == True:
82|              print('epoch ' + str(i) + ': Cost=' + str(c))  
83|      #Print model summary
84|      print('Final Summary:')
85|      print('Min cost: ' + str(cost_min))
86|      print('Minimum found at epoch ' + str(epoch_min))
87|      print('Optimum weights: ' + str(optimum_weight))
88|      #Return feature weights
89|      return optimum_weight
91|  """
92|  Train Model
93|  """
95|  learning_rate = 0.1
96|  reg_term = 0.2
97|  weights = np.zeros((8,1))
98|  epochs = 500
99|  m = len(X_train)
100|  model = train_model(X_train, y_train, weights, m, learning_rate, epochs, reg_term) 
102|  """ 
103|  Predict Target for Training and Test Sets
104|  """
106|  def pred(X,w):
107|      h = hypothesis(X,w)
108|      return h
109|  y_train_pred = pred(X_train,model)
110|  y_train_pred = np.round(y_train_pred)
111|  y_test_pred = pred(X_test,model)
112|  y_test_pred = np.round(y_test_pred)
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